Pomodoro Technique:
Basically Pomodoro is an Italian word for tomato. It is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. In this technique, we set a timer of 25 min and break down our work in chunks.
When i was doing my Amal fellowship course and i read about Pomodoro technique i decide to try this technique soon and then it’s an amal activity too, to work with this technique.
So i start, First i turned off WiFi of my mobile and set timer of 25 min and start working on one of Amal course which is about resume, as i start my work an neighbor came to me she has some work on my laptop, i got distract and off my timer. Then i again set timer of 25 min and start working on my course. As i was working my mind shift towards mobile phone/social media again and again but i don’t focus on it and just concentrate on my course.
First i complete my 10–12% of my course in 1st timer and its really fruitful if i don’t set timer then i complete this in 40–50 mins because of distractions. After 1st timer i take 5 min break and turn on my WiFi and use mobile. Then again i set timer of 25 min and start my course again while turn off my WiFi because it is major distraction for me. And again start course and then i complete 20% of my course. I find this technique very useful as i covered my work more than regular work. And yes i’ll use this technique on regular basis, as it proves very beneficial to me. It helps to do work on time without wasting time.